Latest News

Third year Journalism student Tracy from London, who has suffered with Sleep Paralysis since she was around 12, would like to thank everyone who took part by downloading and replying to her questionnaire posted here and on the message board.

We hope to be able to share Tracy’s results, and her article, with you at some time in the future.

We’re pleased to announce a couple of updates to the website have now been processed – the “What is is?” page has been added to with some new information, and we have added a few new links to the “Links” page.

The Message Board continues to go from strength to strength and we are thrilled that so many people visit it and post their messages, and the use of it as a “self-help” forum is quite evident. Thank you to all the participants.

Finally, SPIS are considering becoming a Registered Charity in the UK – the purpose of which would be to increase awareness of Sleep Paralysis, build some better forums and user groups, lobby for research into the condition and continue to develop the website and message board. To achieve this we need UK-based volunteers to help with their expertise, time and advice – we need your ideas and support. Please contact us if you would like to help.

We’re well aware that we haven’t updated this site in quite some time – but there seems to be a steady trickle of visitors, and we are getting a fair few messages of late from Sleep Paralysis sufferers and their relatives, so worth an update I’m sure!

So, a challenge – we are quite happy with the “What is it?” page, but the “Cures” page needs some work – so over to you! Sleep Paralysis sufferers unite and help us improve that page – send us your ideas, suggestions and recomendations and we will try to make that page much better than it is!


We are pleased to advise that we have introduced a temporary Message Board facilty, which can be found